
Body wood therapy

Decontracting deep tissue.

30 min.


  • Back
  • Arms
  • Neck
30 min.


  • Legs
  • Feet
60 min.


  • Full body

Aesthetic treatment to improve blood circulation, eliminate fats and toxins. Reaffirms and tones the body

90 min.


  • First session

Minimum recommended package 10 sessions (1 of week)

90 min.


  • Full body
60 min.


  • Legs
  • Glutes
60 min.


  • Arms
  • Belly
  • Hips

Minimum recommended package 10 sessions (2 of week)

90 min.


  • Full body
60 min.


  • Legs
  • Glutes
60 min.


  • Arms
  • Belly
  • Hips


Serendipity offers professional massages performed by qualified personnel, including:

Aromatherapy relaxing massages
Sports massages
Crystal relaxing massages
Hot stone massages

20 min.


  • Facial anti-wrinkle
  • Toning
20 min.


  • Shiatsu facial
30 min.


  • Back
  • Neck
  • Shoulders
30 min.


  • Legs and feet
60 min.


  • Complete
30 min.


  • Hot stones
60 min.


  • Hot stones


Reiki is a complementary therapy relating to energy healing.
It works through the transfer of universal energy from the practitioner’s palms to the client.
The word “Reiki” means “mysterious atmosphere, miraculous sign.” It comes from the Japanese words “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” meaning life energy.

60 min.


  • Complete treatment
30 min.


  • Guided Meditation


Pilates is a training method that cultivates awareness of movement, strengthens muscles, particularly the deep ones that support the spine, and ensures overall rebalancing of the body.

Pilates is a discipline that integrates physical training with a breathing technique aimed at engaging the abdominal girdle. It primarily consists of slow, repetitive movements designed to enhance body awareness and enhance physical fitness.

Personalized individual class

60 min.


  • At serendipity
60 min.


  • At home

Special Serendipity

Characterized by the set of different techniques and elements such as wood therapy, hot stones, crystals, Reiki, Tibetan bowl, high vibrational frequency music.

90 min.


  • Full body

Breathe, free your mind and enjoy a wonderful moment to connect with your soul!